... That said, I tell you that last night I called a girlfriend of a superhero (not the name so do not be angry with her) to tell me exclusively (the word bastard is unique, every website we clung to when start putting our own things, so, to the great they are imitating) the production of program Susana Gimenez, a cycle that bears his name, is in the middle of negotiations with the Mexican singer Thalia (whom I love dearly) for the wife Tommy Mottola accept a face to face with the blonde cheerleader. The truth is that as I added, Thali wants Susi goes live on your radio show leading into the Aztec homeland. Susana you accept? We'll see what we shall see ... know ...
Gustavo Guillen's friend, Juan Pablo Godines, wrote to tell me some news about the stay in his province, San Luis, Juanita Viale and Adrian Navarro Montoya, naaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, dry Navarro . He said that Juanita Godinito hardly comes out, does not show much and passes contained in the four walls of the hotel. For its part, on Saturday afternoon, I could see Adrian Navarro walking and doing exercises in the circuit Potrero de los Funes. He was accompanied by other actors working in the film, a blonde who is not well known. Several girls were steel, saluted and asked for autographs. He was very sympathetic with puntanas. Look at you!
More: http://www.primiciasya.com/despliegue.php?idnoticia=35941
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