... Yesterday I was at home when the bike fart as an ashtray or Sofobeach Gerontesario works on the bill (And ... because you do not see anyone ... ends the joke to the distracted) and went by bus because there was no subway to the very premises of the former Canal 13, El Trece now. I slipped through the crowd of laburantes serving in the army of Ernestina, in fact I tried to see the beautiful Vanessa Bafaro, the head of the press, if I find looking gossip bocho me the cake is the brunette brava. Can still stir the hornet's nest and found something, do not say that Coco Fernandez told me, please. Thirteen new season would make a stop in 2010 of "Man Overboard", the cycle last summer drove the MDQ, Eugenio and Culini Weinbaum, and had very good ratings. In addition, the cycle could still be in charge although the brother is considering the possibility of having new drivers. I said.
... The other day I was watching my favorite show "Lunch with Mirtha Legrand", or should I say "Lunch with Mirtha Legrand", "Déjeuner avec ML ..." or "Pranzo con Mirtha Legrand", because I was invited to the table Lola Ponce and Ivan Gonzalez, among others. These two made me push all the buttons on my remote control because that was looking for subtitles. If they are Argentines who speak Galician, French, English and Italian? ... They do not understand anything! I do not understand what happens to these young cool living few years in another country and become still more English than Italian Picasso or more Sophia Loren. Someone can tell these two that are not on the RAI or the TVE. They know that here we speak in Creole. Also in the case of Ivan understand less as they always spoke with country ditty paella, but neither his father nor his brother Jairo Yaco speak well. Also it claims to be friends with George Clooney, juaaaaaaaaaaa, speaks English as if they were against Obama, and Ivan the French as if to lift Carla Bruni. How do you tell four of hearts in Italian? Eshtoz Puesh guys drop me fatal, Olé.
More: http://www.primiciasya.com/despliegue.php?idnoticia=32311
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